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3 Major aches that Purify can relieve

Updated: Apr 8, 2021

There are numerous reasons to come into Purify, besides getting an excellent detox session. There are a few symptoms that seem to be overlooked or not thought about but deserve attention! From being open for almost two years now, I have personally experienced not feeling well and getting myself wrapped up and leaving Purify feeling ten times better! I have witnessed this with other Purifiers too! I just wanted to mention them because, from personal experience, a Purify session helps me and others when dealing with headaches, digestive problems, and hormones going crazy! So the next time you get an awful headache, painful cramps, or stomach ache, please think of Purify as a natural relief!

  • Headaches

  • Stomach aches

  • PMS


Did you know that there around 14 “types” of head hurting aches? One cause of consistent or recurring headaches can be your toxicity levels. Toxic overload is common, and it often includes fatigue, headaches, frequent illness, and skin conditions. A recent study published by the journal of alternative and complementary researchers shows that infrared treatments effectively reduce migraine pain in patients. The soothing infrared sessions can provide relief in several ways, by warming up the body and increasing circulation, this can have noticeable effects. Low body temperature can result in headaches; therefore, the warmth will help. Scientists have also found that digestive problems and headaches are the results of excess acidity in the body. The acidity levels in the body are significant because they alter our pH levels. This will result in damage to the internal system and lower the defense of the immune system. Many things cause an acidic surplus, such as alcohol, drug use, chronic stress, low fiber, lack of exercise, pollution, and unhealthy foods. The body often stores the acids deposited in our blood in forms of fatty acid, uric acid, cholesterol, and other things that cause havoc. Infrared sessions will increase circulation and detox toxins deposited over the years in one’s arteries/body.

If you are not suffering from high acidity levels, then infrared also helps loosen tight muscles, which often contribute to head, neck, and shoulder pain. Infrared is excellent for releasing tissue bound toxins, but it also acts directly on irritated nerve endings providing speedy relief and tension reduction. Stress headaches are also common. Sometimes just sliding into a dark room, warm wrap, and sipping water can ease the pain. “The American Institute of Stress estimates that 75 to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related problems. The more stressed you are, the more cortisol your body produces.” Scientific evidence shows that immersive infrared therapy helps maintain healthy levels of cortisol. During the session, the cortisol levels might stay the same or rise slightly, but afterward, they will drop immediately and leave you feeling much calmer than before.


Far infrared helps to supply blood throughout the body and improve the blood supply. This helps circulate it to the gut and intestinal lining that is currently experiencing leaky gut. This improved supply can help deliver essential nutrients and generally repair and heal the intestinal lining. A Far Infrared Purify session a few times a week can better manage your digestive disorder and prevent irritation/inflammation along the gastrointestinal tract. Constipation, IBS, gas, stomach pain, parasites, digestive problems, and chronic fatigue can be signs of a toxic colon.


There are several ways an infrared sesh can help relieve cramps. We have all tried the hot water bottle trick or the heating pad. The warmth from a session is evident, but it is sufficient for overall muscle relaxation. It also helps with sweating out the excess water and salt that gets retained during periods. Spending time wrapped up can also release endorphins, which make you feel good. It acts as a natural pain killer. When it comes to Menopausal symptoms, it boosts wellbeing, relief from aches, fatigue, and stress. By sweating it out at Purify, it helps relieve menopausal symptoms such as reductions in hot flashes. It sounds counterintuitive but does seem to work as blood flow is improved, and the immune system is strengthened too. Another benefit is the difference in the improvement of the skin quality as the improved circulation removes toxins from the skin and allows the oxygen and nutrients to flow more freely. It can improve eczema and reduce inflammation. A great bonus is that an infrared session stimulates the skin to produce more collagen and elastin, leading to plumper and firmer skin! Purify can make you feel all-round better regardless of what your hormones are up too!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call Purify!


Sam xx

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