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Detox Bath Benefits + Recipe

I love taking detox baths. I feel so relaxed afterward. It is best to take one before bed as it makes you feel sleepy. Be prepared to soak all your troubles away for about twenty to thirty minutes. A detox bath only requires a few ingredients. The first one is Epsom salts! Epsom salts are made from powdered magnesium, which is responsible for 300+ chemical processes in the body. Our bodies need magnesium for:

  • An improved ability to turn food into energy

  • A steady heartbeat

  • A supported immune system

  • Balanced blood glucose

  • Healthy muscles

  • Proper nerve function

  • Strong bones

Using Epsom salts in a detox bath also helps you absorb magnesium much better than you would by taking it orally.

Epsom salts also help draw toxins out of the body through your skin when you put them in a bath. They also get your digestive tract moving and help your body process toxins much faster than usual.

Some other excellent benefits of a detox bath are:

  • Balanced magnesium levels

  • Reduced inflammation

  • Relieved muscle cramps

  • Softer skin

  • Stress and anxiety relief

  • Unblocked bowels

The second ingredient I like to add is baking soda. It is inexpensive, and everyone usually has some lying around. It can help with underlying skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, and various fungal issues. It makes your skin super soft and promotes detoxification through the largest organ in your body, your skin!

To make a detox bath, fill your tub with water as warm as you can handle, but no more than 102 degrees Fahrenheit. You need about two cups of Epsom salts added and dissolved in the water for an average-sized tub. You can also add some baking soda to help detox the water if you don't have a tub faucet filter. If you would like to purchase a filter for your bath to clean the water click here.

If you want to make your bath feel and smell like a spa, add in some essential oils to take advantage of even more overall wellness/relaxation benefits:

  • Ginger - anti-inflammatory

  • Lavender - stress reliever

  • Eucalyptus- respiratory support

  • Lemongrass - headache reliever

  • Peppermint - energizer and digestion booster

  • Rose - anxiety reliever

  • Tea Tree - immunity booster

  • Cedar wood - grounding and calming

Lastly, you can add some apple cider vinegar to your detox bath. ACV has detoxing properties as well. It is excellent for your hair, skin, possible allergies, and pH balance! "Climbing into a relaxing detox bath after a long day can be a powerful way to unwind and disconnect." Pencil in a hot detox bath this week to your self-care routine, and let me know how r e l a x e d you feel!



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