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A few tips for getting healthier during the holidays!

Updated: Dec 8, 2019

It is that time of year again! Our schedules are fun-filled, and action-packed trying to squeeze in all that the holidays bring us! We've got celebrations, traditions, lists, shopping, eating, drinking, making, cooking, baking maybe even a little stressing. We are reflecting on the past 12 months and looking towards the new year. You might also be creating a mental game plan on how to tackle your health and wellness for 2020.

What if I told you you could be taking care of yourself in between all this happy madness. Start taking care of yourself and tackling those goals right now! There's no time like the present! Right amid the holiday hustle and bustle. After all, putting off health goals such as weight loss, healthy eating, and self-care until January often backfires and leads to bigger splurges and more weight gains over the holidays. You know how we say to ourselves, "oh, don't worry about it a few treats today will be fine because I will burn it all off in January." Then a few treats turn into oh well I have already indulged, so I guess I won't worry about it until January. Then everything goes downhill fast! However, if we prepare our bodies now, then we will be off to a great start come January instead of further behind. Wouldn't you love to ring in the new year with self-confidence and self-esteem rather than feeling exhausted, depressed, and flabby? Yes!! I know from personal experience that when I fall off the wellness wagon, I start to get grumpy, groggy, tired, and achy.

Research suggests that those who focus on their health during the holidays start the new year fitter, and they actually experience less seasonal depression, stress, anxiety, and insomnia than those who wait until January 1st!

It may sound overwhelming; there is a lot going on around the holidays with all the events, gatherings, and experiences! Fortunately, staying on track and eating healthy during the holidays is doable. Here are my tips for navigating celebrations and busy schedules while also eating right and taking care of yourself.

Self Care 101: You can't pour from an empty cup

Detox from the holiday libations and food! Get wrapped up in our Far Infrared body wraps at Purify and eliminate those chemicals, toxins, and fat right out of your system. If you keep getting headaches, feel sluggish, or joint pain book a session, it can be from all of the food we consume over the holidays. On top of detoxing, it is also an excellent time out from the hustle and bustle. A 50-minute session all to yourself, unwind, take a nap unload all your cares, stress, and worries. Chill out and watch a show or listen to a meditation and find your zen again!

We also have a facial event on December 10th- Your Christmas tree won't be the only thing that glows this holiday season! Call to book!

Park further away from the shopping malls, plazas, and stores. This will help get your 10,000 steps in. Go for a walk or bike ride with friends/family after a meal.

Drink lots of water! We can quickly get dehydrated during the winter months because it is not as hot out; therefore, we forget about our friend H20. There are apps that you can download that will help with reminding you to hydrate and track how many ounces you intake.

Bring a healthy snack or meal over to your friends or relative's gatherings, then you know you will have something you can eat! Get creative. You can make holiday wreaths with kiwis, Christmas trees with fruit, make homemade hummus with veggies!

The holidays are a time for celebration, so don't always restrict yourself. Life is about balance. If you don't, it could have a negative effect and cause a downward spiral and major binges.

Working out will help mentally, emotionally, and physically. It is a wonderful release during the holidays. High-intensity interval training (HIIT workouts), cardio, swimming or yoga!

Take a hot bath or a detox bath (We sell organic and non-toxic detox bath salts in Purify)

Get plenty of sleep, listen to music, light a candle, read a book, watch a movie, or listen to a podcast.

Take some time for meditation even if its 15 minutes. Find one you like on Spotify or Youtube.

Don't forget about a little self-care and love over the next few weeks! These tips will help keep you on track and enjoy the moments that this season brings. Remember to be present and listen to your body it will tell you if you are pouring from an empty cup ;)

I wish you well on your path to wellness. Happy Holidays!


Samantha A.

insta: purifysweatlodge

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