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Air-Purifying Houseplants

Indoor air can have higher concentrations of toxins than outdoor air. Ironically, these chemical toxins come from the products we use to make our lives better. Some scientists suggest that a good air purifying plant can help detoxify the air within your living spaces. Not to mention they look aesthetically pleasing, become an obsession/hobby, and clean your air! NASA's Clean Air Study found numerous air purifying plants that are great at detoxifying your home from the airborne toxins, germs, and dust. These toxins come from household products, furniture, and materials. The most common toxins found in homes today are pesticides, mold, phthalates, dioxins, heavy metals, etc.

Luckily for us, interior plants are trendy designs/decorations that don't seem to be going out of style any time soon. A follow-up study done in 2019 confirmed that to make a substantial difference to the air quality inside your home, you would need many plants working together to clean the air- up to 93, to be exact! Unfortunately, not everyone has the space in their home, money, or time to gather, purchase, and water 93 plants. We thought that it might be helpful to list a few great purifying plants. To give your house a healthy breathe of fresh air, keep reading to see our list of the best plants and where to keep them.

Air- Purifying Houseplants

1. Barberton Daisy- an effective cleanser of toxins formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene found in various household materials from paints to synthetic fibers. (place in a room with plenty of natural light and keep the soil moist but well-drained)

2. English Ivy- effective at reducing airborne fecal particles, which makes it the perfect air purifier for your bathroom, can also help combat mold levels at home. (Water generously and give it four hours of direct sunlight a day, and it will return the love with clean, detoxified air)

3. Snake Plant or Mother-In-Law's Tongue- Have the plant in your bedroom as it helps improve sleep. It releases oxygen at night, allowing you to breathe better while you sleep. It is excellent for filtering the air of formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, toluene, and trichloroethylene. (be mindful not to overwater, as the roots are prone to rot in moist soil)

4. Chrysanthemum- These pretty blooms help filter out a host of toxins, including ammonia and benzene; these are found in glue, detergents, and plastics. (This plant loves sunlight, so keep it in a spot near a sunny window)

5. Spider Plant- This is a great first plant because of its resiliency. It will help reduce toxins like carbon monoxide, xylene, and if you have pets, this is great because it is non- toxic to animals. (These plants pretty much take care of themselves and you)

6. Aloe Vera- Great for soothing any kitchen burns and sunburns. Purifies the air of formaldehyde and benzene- found in floor finishes and detergents. (Place in a sunny location)

7. Broad Lady Palm- Helps reduce ammonia levels that can be found in a range of cleaning products. (loves humidity-it will love your bathroom)

8. Chinese Evergreen

9. Weeping Fig

10. Red- Edged Dracaena or Dragon Tree

11. Golden Pothos

12. Areca Palms

13. Peace Lily

14. Bamboo Palm

15. Parlor Palm

16. Lady Palm

17. Janet Craig

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