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Benefits of Dry Brushing

Updated: Nov 5, 2019

Dry brushing can be a soothing and stress-relieving ritual performed daily. Right before you get into the shower, start with a gentle brush and soft pressure. Then sweep the brush in an upward motion towards your heart. We will get more into the how-to in a little bit. Dry brushing has been used for centuries by the Russians and Scandinavians. More than 30 years ago, a doctor named Paavo Airola, prescribed this method for his patients. Airola said, that this technique would help to detoxify, exfoliate and stimulate the skin. Today, some doctors are recommending it to their patients that have depression and anxiety. Since the skin is the largest organ we must help it out! This organ absorbs a lot of toxins as it protects our bodies from harm. That is why it is important to dry brush the skin every few days at least. Brushing your skin dry removes old layers of skin and allows for the growth of new cells. It also provides support to the lymphatic system. It is made up of organs, lymph nodes, vessels and ducts that transport lymph throughout the body. Many of these lymph vessels run just below the skin. Brushing the skin regularly helps stimulate the normal lymph flow within the body and helps the body detoxify itself naturally.

Dry Brushing Benefits:

It improves blood flow

The circulation boost is great for delivering oxygen and nutrients to your cells and also carrying off the metabolic waste. Poor circulation can lead to pain, varicose veins, and swelling.

It helps smooth out cellulite

Dry brushing helps to reduce cellulite. Cellulite is simply toxic materials that have accumulated in your body’s fat cells and are trapped, unable to be eliminated from the body. Dry brushing helps to break down any trapped toxins from within the body and help your body eliminate them through its usual elimination channels.

It exfoliates the skin

Removing the dead skin cells, unclogging pores, gives you softer skin, but it also makes it easier for your body to sweat out toxins.

It wakes up the nervous system

By stimulating the nerve endings in the skin. People often describe dry brushing as invigorating and that is because it provides a great energy boost when you are feeling sluggish.

It improves skin tone

By stimulating the nervous system, it also stimulates the muscle fibers, which builds muscle tone that helps counteract sagging skin.

It eases anxiety

Dry brushing can be a soothing and stress-relieving ritual that eases tension

Now let’s talk about what to look for and how to do it!

Pick a brush that has natural, not synthetic, bristles. (we sell them at Purify also, if you ever want to pick one up!) Make sure that your skin is dry- hence the name. The optimal time to dry brush is right before you bathe or shower. Brushing your skin while it is dry gives you a full-body exfoliation without removing the skin’s natural oils. Once you’re done brushing hop in the shower to rinse off dry skin cells and impurities. There is no right or wrong time to dry brush. Some say they prefer to dry brush in the morning because they feel like it helps wake them up, gives them energy, gets their blood moving and they are ready to start the day. If you are someone who showers at night then work it into your shower routine before bed. Dry brush in the morning and night! It is totally up to you!

Here is how to dry brush:

Follow the lymph! The lymph flows towards the heart, so it is important to brush in that same direction. Start at your feet and brush up the front of the leg to the thigh. Reach to the back of the leg and brush up the back of the leg all the way to the lower back. You can repeat these steps three to five times or as much as you would like then to switch to the other leg. Next is the arms, lift one arm over your head and brush down from the wrist, moving down to the inner arm and gently passing over the underarm and the outer breast tissue. Then brush down the back of the arm to the shoulders and neck. Repeat three or five times and then do the other arm. When you get to the stomach brush in small circles in the direction of the small intestine. Make sure to get your armpits and inner thighs as they are prime lymphatic drainage spots. Dry brushing will be extra beneficial here in releasing toxins from your body.

Use gentle pressure, it is a light sweeping of your skin versus scrubbing. Do not brush sunburned or inflamed skin.

You can also add essential oils to the mix. Add 3-5 drops to the palm of your hand and glide the bristles of your dry brush across your palm, let them soak up and then dry brush your body. Some people like to make dry brushing a meditative practice after you finish, take a few seconds to close your eyes, take a deep breath and check in with your body.

You might feel tingly or itchy afterward- if it does not feel good then use less pressure next time. If it feels like you’re shedding a lot of dead skin and your circulation is improving- just keep doing what you’re doing! After you shower don't shy away from a little coconut oil to nourish and moisturize the skin. Do not forget to wash your brush. At least once a week. Cleanse the brush with soap and warm water and then let it air dry.

Also, make sure that you are supporting your skin brushing with other detox practices. Dry brushing will only do so much if you’re not eating right, drinking water, getting enough sleep, doing a few sessions at Purify, exercising and taking care of yourself.

Not too bad for a super-easy way to help your body and it takes less than five minutes! Look at dry brushing like an at-home spa treatment. It may not feel so luxurious at first, but doing the technique consistently will result in salon-quality results and your body will thank you! If you plan to do a session at Purify, try to dry brush beforehand as it opens up the pores for maximum elimination during your sweat! We have dry brushes at Purify! Pick one up next time you stop by to detoxify!


Samantha Albano

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