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Benefits of Lemon Water

My all-time favorite citrus is lemons! I drink hot water with lemon every morning and cold water with lemon slices throughout the day. Lemons are full of vitamin C and antioxidants. In addition, consuming lemon water has benefits like activating the digestive system, fighting off infections, and boosting the immune system. Who doesn't love that?

Keep reading below to learn more about the health benefits of lemons and how they can give you a zest for life!

-Aids digestion

Drink a glass of water with lemon on an empty stomach in the morning to ease bloating, gas, and constipation. The minerals found in lemons help promote healthy digestion, alleviate heartburn, and stimulate healthy bowel function.

-Encourages liver detox

Lemon can help remove toxins that accumulate over time in the blood and cause a wide range of health issues. Symptoms of toxin overload include constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, aches and pains, memory loss, brain fog, headaches, and upset stomach. Lemon water assists the liver, aka your body's dumping ground, by cleansing the body of these damaging invaders.

-Boosts immune function

Vitamin C provides a powerful immune boost and increases electrolytes to help support the immune system when the body is fighting off infection or illness. Lemons also contain bioflavonoids, which fight free radicals that cause inflammation and blood vessel damage.

-Nourishes the skin

Lemons contain nutrients that nourish and revitalize the skin. For example, vitamin C protects against free radical damage and improves hydration to prevent or reduce the appearance of wrinkles and keep the skin supple. In addition, drinking lemon water can help flush the toxins that can speed aging. It also supports hydration, which helps keep the skin healthy.

-Helps fight infection.

Lemon juice has antiviral and antibacterial components that help fight off infections.

-Prevents anemia

The process of absorbing iron into the body relies on the presence of vitamin C. By drinking lemon water, you are increasing your intake of vitamin C and, therefore, your ability to absorb iron from your diet.

-Freshens breathe

-Lowers blood pressure

-Promotes weight loss

-Reduces inflammation

Add lemon juice to everything, like water, your food, and even your cleaning products!

Thank me later!


Samantha Albano

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