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Celebs who love Far Infrared

Updated: Nov 5, 2019

Celebs that love to get their sweat on!

There are plenty of celebrities who love to spend their time warming up with infrared heat! Such as the Kardashians, Cindy Crawford, Emma Roberts, Busy Philipps, Leonardo DiCaprio to name a few. Here at Purify An Urban Sweat Lodge we offer Far Infrared Body Wraps. 50 minutes of gradually warming up every inch of you, relaxing your body and muscles as the infrared heat works its magic, penetrating layers deep. Pushing the toxins out of your fat cells and detoxifying your system. If you want to learn more about specifically why celebrities love infrared heat so much just keep reading…

Selena Gomez

-Selena uses infrared sauna to help her mentally and physically. She also cites that it is a great way to release toxins and get your heart rate up just by lying there. She has also claimed that using infrared heat has changed her skin and made her body feel better.

Jennifer Anniston

-Jennifer uses natural ways for healing and self-care. She has regularly mentioned how much she loves infrared saunas. She uses them to help her with detoxification, skin rejuvenation and weight loss. Her main reason for use of the infrared sauna is cell generation.

Lady Gaga

-Frequently visits an infrared sauna to help her with her fibromyalgia pain and the inflammation related pain felt from her hip injury that happened during a performance a few years ago. She tries to sweat it out every day whether she is at home or gearing up for her next tour.

Gwyneth Paltrow

-Says she spends 30 minutes in an infrared sauna after she lands to sweat out the plane. She also tries to detox in an infrared sauna at least three to four times a week.

Her website talks about the benefits of an infrared sauna.

Why are saunas so powerful?

Sweating inside a heated space has transcended time and many cultures: From Roman times to the Ancient Greeks and Russians, as well as the Native Americans who had sweat lodges, the benefits of sweating have been known to mankind. The skin is our largest organ, and sweat is one of the major elimination channels for toxins.

During a Sauna Session: sweating one activates and intensifies the elimination of toxins. Infrared heat yields additional benefits in a significant way: Beyond the incredible relaxation effect it has on people—it has been shown that endorphin levels increase after a sauna session—it’s proven to be beneficial for musculoskeletal ailments, heavy metal detoxification, increased blood flow, and boosting the immune system’s cell activity.

The infrared band in the spectrum of light is the one that we perceive as heat. It makes the body sweat at lower temperatures than the ones needed for regular convection heated saunas, so people tolerate it better. Because FIR penetrates deeper—up to three inches—it mobilizes and burns fat, which not only helps with weight loss but with detoxification as well, since many of the toxins we absorb are surrounded and trapped by fat.

If you connected with any of the reasons as to why you should try infrared heat, then give us a call (941)993-1931 or reserve your session on our website. We are also on the MINDBODY APP. See how Purify An Urban Sweat Lodge can improve your life!


Samantha Albano

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