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  • Writer's picturePurify An Urban Sweat Lodge

Cell phones are dirtier than toilet seats

According to a New York Times article, our phones have 25,127 bacteria per square inch. Therefore, cell phones are one of the dirtiest objects that we encounter every day. Cell phones are ten times more contaminated than toilet seats!

Scientists have looked deeper into what kind of bacteria is living on our phones. (Keep scrolling if you believe that ignorance is bliss.) They found bacteria found E. Coli, Streptococcus (strep throat), Staphylococcus (staph infection), and more!

I added this cute diagram to help paint the picture for ya.

It is essential to wash your hands throughout the day for more reasons than just your dirty phone. I am writing about this because I have a machine that I swear by to clean my phone and my credit cards. It is simple to use and worth purchasing.

I like to put my phone and credit cards in this handy-dandy device about once a week. The process takes less than 15 minutes.

How to use the machine:

  1. Plug it in

  2. Open it up

  3. Place your items in that need sanitizing

  4. Close it

  5. Wait for the light to go off

  6. Take your items out and enjoy the cleanliness

The phoneSoap 3 UV Cell Phone Sanitizer is a patented and clinically proven 360 degrees UV Light Sanitizer. It cleans and charges all phones. "Kills 99.9% of Staph, E. Coli, Salmonella, and other harmful bacteria and viruses." Other things you can clean are pretty much whatever fits inside: keys, earbuds, jewelry, and more.

Click the link here to purchase one today!



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