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Diffuse the V I B E you want

Updated: Apr 6, 2020

Since we are all home due to COVID-19 and with the recent stay at home order mandated until April 30th. I figured we are all being a little extra health-conscious more than ever, and now we finally have time to take care and shower ourselves with some self-care/love. There are a million things we can do to take care of ourselves while at home like hair masks, nails, face masks, baths, cleaning, walking, working out, yoga, cooking, and organizing, to name a few! I have another idea for you! Have you considered filling up your diffuser to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy yet?

What better way to keep the immune system up is by keeping our stress levels down. One great way to make your space relaxing, clean, and smell pleasant is diffusing essential oils. We have a few in Purify and at home going all day when we are around to enjoy them! We want to boost the immune system, especially in times like these, in the best and most efficient ways we can! (or what we have in the house at the moment) Side note* I have been loving what people have been coming up with for substitutes for weights like water jugs and cans of soup to creating delicious meals from what they find in their pantry! The creative flow is impressive to see!

If you don't already have one lying about, you can pick up a diffuser at your local grocery store, Target, Walmart, Whole Foods, or even Amazon.

Click this link to see one of the diffusers we use at Purify! There are pretty diffusers, ones with light therapy, big, small, expensive, well priced, and even ones for your car!

Why diffuse essential oils?

-It helps boost the immune system, which creates positive health effects.

-It can help you relax without having to take pills that leave you feeling groggy.

-It destroys odors from mold exposure.

-Diffusing purifies the air and increases oxygen.

-It eliminates harmful viruses, bacteria, and molds from the environment.

-Essential oils can lift your mood, ease stress, and energize your day.

-It also provides a welcoming aromatic, clean environment for guests!

The best way to get oils into your body and environment is to inhale them. When essential oils are diffused, the molecules are broken up into micro-fine mist particles. These mist particles stay suspended in the air for long periods. While the particles float around the air, they reduce mold, bacteria, and other odors that are lingering. These micro-mist particles also benefit the individuals that inhale them. When they are inhaled, they travel through the nasal passage to a receptor neuron that carries it to the Limbic System. The Limbic System supports a variety of functions, including emotion, behavior, motivation, and memory.

Lavender essential oil, for example, has a frequency known to relax, the Limbic System receives this input and creates neurochemicals that are sent through the body to relax.

Aromatherapy is a type of naturopathic medicine that uses essential oils to improve a person's physical and mental well being. Air fresheners have shown to cause diseases in the lungs. Diffusing is a natural air filtration system. It helps your home stay safe from harmful viruses and bacteria. It provides a beautiful aroma without toxic chemicals. Research has shown that diffusing essential oil eliminates life-threating airborne micro-organisms. It creates a spa-like vibe in your kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, or where ever you place it!

If you are new to essential oils start with the basics!



-Wild Orange


(other oils to add to your collection: Rose, Wintergreen, Teatree, and Frankincense!)

Warning* If you have pets be careful of what oils you use around them.

Lastly, I have added a few blends that you can try at home with your diffuser! Why not create moments full of relaxation and lovely smells! Happy Diffusing! Stay safe and healthy!


Samantha Albano

Blissful Blends Below!

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