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Helpful Ways to Stay Hydrated

Updated: Nov 5, 2019

Did you know that ¾ Americans are dehydrated and it is the #1 cause of midday fatigue? Some consequences of dehydration include: headaches, digestion issues, fatigue, weight gain, soreness, aches, allergies, asthma and skin conditions. You may be wondering why I am telling you this. Mainly because the more water you drink before your Purify session the more it will help maximize your session.

Water makes up 70 percent of our bodies’ weight. We have all been told that we should have about 8 glasses of water a day. However, there is a way to figure out exactly how much water you really should be ingesting per day. Take your body weight (lbs.) and then divide it by 2.

Here are some helpful tips to stay hydrated:

1) Have a glass of H20 when you rise in the morning

2) Add some flavor to your water! Cut up some lemons, oranges, cucumbers, fresh mint or watermelon.

3) Download an app to help track your water intake

This is a screenshot of what the Daily Water APP looks like. It can be very helpful in training you to get into a routine of drinking water.

4) Eat you H20- add fruits and veggies with high water content to your grocery shopping list: cucumber= 96%, zucchini= 95%, watermelon= 92%, + grapefruit= 90%

5) Set reminders to drink more water

6) Drink from larger containers

7) Establish a routine

8) Carry a refillable water bottle with you wherever you go.

Personally, I love my YETI especially living in Florida. It keeps the water cold for a long time. Ice lasts for 12+ hours.

Staying hydrated keeps you in a better mood, improves your skin, speeds up your metabolism, helps you stay alert and aids in weight loss. Fun Fact: Our brains are mostly made up with water. We must drink plenty of H20 to remain sharp and focused. So drink up!


Samantha Albano

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