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  • Writer's picturePurify An Urban Sweat Lodge

Immune-Boosting Therapy

Hi, my name is Sam, and I am one of the owners here at Purify! With all things going on about the coronavirus, we thought we would take a moment to share about the importance of boosting your immune system, especially in a time like this. Infrared saunas can act as an immune-boosting therapy that can help arm your immune system against ubiquitous viruses like coronavirus. Infrared saunas are the top of all the immune-boosting therapies available. The infrared amps up your core body temperature. This helps to keep your immune system in good working order and healthy. When your body fights off an infection like the flu, your immune system will naturally peak your temperature. It's usually anywhere from 100.9 or higher, which is considered a fever. The temperature increase in the body creates a less suitable environment for these destructive bugs. Infrared saunas work a lot like a natural fever does in the body. The far infrared penetrates layers deep and pushes up your core temperature to around 102. Your body responds to this constructed “fever” by stepping up its immune response and mobilizing the Th1 branch of the immune system. This part of the immune system is antiviral and antibacterial. Saunas increase your white blood cell count. Studies have shown that infrared light activates white blood cells and boosts antibodies against pathogens. During the session heat shock proteins are produced, which helps your body do a better job of creating proteins for healing and staying healthy. They also improve the function of the immune system. It may also make your immune system younger. Our immune system needs to be continuously replenished by immune stem cells located in the bone marrow and thymus. It is largely affected by aging. Hence one of the reasons why older adults are more susceptible to getting sick. These cells get depleted over time. Another factor is stress. Stress escalates the levels of cortisol in the body, and cortisol, in response, reduces your body's ability to fight off foreign germs. Being stressed out makes you more susceptible to catching a cold. Sweating it out can help lower cortisol levels and keep your body balanced and ready to fight off any viral bug that comes along. Lastly, sleep is essential for countless health reasons, including antiviral immune response. Infrared sauna use at least two times a week is useful for improving the quality of sleep. Infrared also aids in easing joint pain, reduces inflammation, and increases blood circulation. Lay down, warm-up, and receive plenty of benefits from the inside out! Warmly, Sam

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