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Menopause, Hot Flashes, Headaches, Periods & Purify

Let's talk about cramps, periods, and menopause. It is common for most women to experience one or all of these symptoms during their time of the month: extreme cramping, abdominal and lower back pain, bloating, fatigue, and headaches. Luckily, Purify's infrared wraps are here to help and give you that warm infrared therapy, burritofied hug, that you might not know you even needed! Have you ever used a heating pad for your period? Purify wraps are similar except you receive far (infrared) more significant benefits, and it covers the back and front!

I love a Purify session when I'm PMSing as it takes my cramps away, the warmth relaxes the tension in the surrounding muscles and my lower back. I come out of my session, forgetting that I am even on my period. If that's TMI, I don't care because if it helps me, then it can help you or at least someone out there reading this!

If you suffer from hormonal headaches or migraines, keep reading to learn more about our natural remedy! Soothing infrared sessions can provide relief in many ways. By warming up the body and increasing circulation, you can experience noticeable effects. Low body temperature has been shown to contribute to numerous health problems, including headaches and migraines. Infrared can increase blood flow, bring oxygen and nutrients to any area of the body in need of pain relief, including the skull. It also is great for loosening tight muscles, which often contribute to head and neck pain. When we experience tension anywhere in the body, it may translate to pain in the head, neck, and shoulder region. Far infrared penetrates the body, it can help the body sweat to release toxins, but it also acts directly on irritated nerve endings providing rapid relief and tension reduction.

Lastly, the change, also known as menopause, is a life-altering change for most women. Some feel uncomfortable menopausal symptoms, and some do not. Menopause is the end of someone's reproductive period and will no longer have a period or become pregnant. In the U.S., many women experience menopausal symptoms between the ages of 48-55, and some may experience symptoms for around 3-5 years. The average age is 51. It usually gets diagnosed after you've gone 12 months without a menstrual period. Hanging up the tamps and pads doesn't sound too bad; however, we know it isn't that easy as it has to come with strings attached (sorry, had to). Too good to be true! You can experience an assortment of symptoms due to these hormonal changes in this transitional period into menopause. Symptoms include hot flashes, bone loss, depression, mood swings, weight gain, a change in cholesterol levels, breast changes, night sweats, slowed metabolism, dry skin, and feminine changes. These symptoms may disrupt your sleep, lower your energy, or affect emotional health—no need to worry, though, because Purify is here to help you along these new uncharted waters.

It may sound counter-intuitive to recommend Purify sessions to someone who is already too hot, but it is a fantastic treatment for women suffering from menopause symptoms. Regular infrared sessions provide relief for menopausal symptoms in many ways, such as the immune system, weight, and mood. Menopause can become more tolerable with the right tools and techniques to help lessen menopause symptoms. Purifying can help improve your sleep and decrease stress levels, which reduces the frequency and intensity of hot flashes and night sweats. Reduced stress helps enhance mental clarity and lift your mood throughout the day. Other health benefits include weight loss and an improved immune system. The infrared light penetrates the body and raises your core temperature, which temporarily induces an artificial fever and helps boost your immune system. An efficient way of eliminating toxins and wastes is via intense sweating as it increases your overall health and resistance to disease. As your body temperature rises, sweat is your body's way of trying to cool itself. Your heart works harder to pump blood at a greater rate to boost circulation. All of this helps rev up your metabolism, burn calories, and lose weight.

A study was conducted in Taiwan, reporting thermal therapy's effects on menopausal symptoms and bone mineral density. A group of Northern Taiwanese female volunteers was split into two groups. The first group received infrared therapy on their backs for 20 minutes a day, twice a week. The second group received no treatment. After ten weeks and twenty sessions, the group that received the treatments discovered that their menopause-related symptoms were significantly lowered. They also reported psychological, vasomotor (blood pressure regulation), musculoskeletal, and urologic (urinary tract system) changes. This led them to conclude that thermal therapy with infrared heat can provide a significant reduction in menopause-related symptoms. It also helps the body to detoxify and sweat out accumulated toxins. Allow the body to flow! It is funny to think that infrared heat therapy is a way to treat a hot flash naturally. Some Purifiers have shared with me that they weren't too sure about a 50-minute session due to dealing with their hot flashes, but they are always utterly surprised at how much they enjoyed it and how it felt like a different type of heat/hot.

This change might not be a fun one, but it can encourage us to create new healthy habits. Natural remedies and some self-care can go a long way. Infrared therapy and menopause may seem like an unlikely pair, but they are a match made in heaven! If PMS or menopause is getting you down, try a Purify session! Let the soothing heat help your troubles melt away. Can't shake a pounding headache around your time of the month? Book a session! Your tired and stressed out self will thank you!

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