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Multiple Sclerosis with Purify- Far Infrared

Updated: Jan 15, 2020

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune condition. The immune system attacks the central nervous system, which leads to demyelinating. When the myelin sheath of neurons is damaged, this impairs the conduction of signals in the affected nerves, and this causes impairment in sensation, movement, cognition, and other functions depending on which nerves are involved. MS affects areas of the brain and spinal cord known as the white matter. The white matter cells carry signals between gray matter areas where the processing takes place and the rest of the body.

Facts about MS:

-It is common in the US, as there are 200,000 cases per year.

-Treatments can help manage the condition, but there is no cure.

-MS can last several years or life long.

-Found in 18-55-year-olds.

-It is more common in females.

A study was done to see if far infrared can benefit people who have MS. It was sponsored by Dr. Kwasi Donyina/Founder & President, GAAD Medical Research Institute Inc. The principal investigator was Ken Nedd, MD GAAD Medical Research Institute Inc.

Their research and observations indicate that “far infrared rays provide energy to the body, improve the autonomic functions of the nervous system, restore the functions of the endocrine system, strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation and increase the level of oxygen in the cells and promote the regeneration of muscle cells, nerves, and brain cells. It is hereby postulated that irradiation using far infrared, with a wavelength between 5 to 20 microns, of the central nervous system, the endocrine system, and the whole body could prevent, control, manage or possibly lead to complete rehabilitation of people who have MS.”

“Far Infrared Irradiation for Managing and Treating Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - Full Text View.” Full Text View -, May 2008,


“I have had multiple sclerosis for the past 14 years and am delighted with the benefits I receive from infrared sessions. At first, I was afraid that the heat wouldn’t be good for my condition, but infrared is not like a regular sauna – it doesn’t feel uncomfortably hot just warm. My energy levels are much higher, my mood is more buoyant, and my symptoms are greatly reduced. In addition, my skin is incredibly smooth, the pain in my joints is practically gone, and I feel much cleaner- inside and out.” -GM.

We are not doctors at Purify. We want to share with you our findings and help you understand how truly amazing and healing Far Infrared is! We hope you come in and give us a try as a session provides so many other quality benefits as well!

call: 941.993.1931

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Samantha Albano

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