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New Moms- Try Purify

Updated: Nov 5, 2019

Many new mamas or moms to be, ask if far infrared is safe for them. The answer is yes! (Not while you are pregnant, but definitely after!) As infrared light increases circulation and decreases inflammation. Infrared has been clinically proven to combat many of the symptoms that link to the postpartum period, which includes pain relief for your muscles, joints, chronic pain, anxiety, and fatigue to name a few. It also aids in the overall inflammation that is created by pregnancy.

During pregnancy, your hormones change and the body is focused on growing your baby, it experiences poor circulation. This is what leads to swelling in feet and hands. As those are areas with less circulation. Infrared therapy can help by boosting the blood circulation which can counteract the poor circulation that your body experienced throughout pregnancy. By increasing the blood flow, can also help heal wounds caused by childbirth trauma including Cesarean surgery. With the trauma of childbirth, the intense fatigue of early motherhood and all the other things that come along with it, it can be difficult for new mothers to access a cardio workout or other forms of exercise. Far infrared is an extremely gentle way to increase your cardio output, break a sweat and reap all the benefits.

For mothers who are breastfeeding, the circulation boost can help fight against clogged ducts and mastitis. Mastitis can be painful. A great way to treat these problems is with infrared heat. It can help prevent and treat clogged ducts.

Prepare for your Purify session by drinking lots of water prior to coming in. Plan to go home to the baby or have a pump ready for after your session. You must replenish with water after your session. A mother sensitive to hydration could experience a dip in supply. The only other issue is if you have heavy metals issues. Alternative doctors recommend infrared therapy as a method of detoxification for clients suffering from major heavy metal issues and chronic illnesses like Lyme disease. The heat kills off the bacteria and viruses and then releases the toxins from the fat cells or other places where they were stored in the body. The body then begins to eliminate these heavy metals, toxins, and impurities through its natural elimination pathways- sweat being the main one, then urine and excretion. If there are any toxins in your body they can be passed into your milk and theoretically infrared could release higher levels of toxins if you are very toxic and then these could be passed into your breastmilk. You could have a naturopathic doctor test your levels of toxicity or you could research the symptoms of heavy metal toxicity if it is a concern of yours. Listen to your body and make time for yourself in this new phase of your life!

Infrared can also help with anxiety and depression as it has been proven to release endorphins and other positive neurotransmitters in our brains. This helps combat depression and anxiety. Given the rise in postpartum anxiety and postpartum depression, infrared can be beneficial for all new mothers as a preventative measure. Infrared has been proven to treat both pain relief and chronic fatigue. It is due to the fact that the far-infrared penetrates two layers deep to heal the joints, tissues, and muscles. It increases circulation, carries oxygen throughout the body and brings down inflammation. Even if you need a 50 minute nap time. Come on in- we give you headphones to listen to relaxing music or watch a show on Netflix. Just show up hydrated!

The Far Infrared penetrates through the skin.

Try a Purify session today! You can book an appointment on our website, call: 941.993.1931 or through the mindbody app.

"Self-care means giving yourself permission to pause." -Cecilia Tran


Samantha Albano

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