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Purify Post Workout- Muscle Recovery

Updated: Nov 5, 2019

Working out, moving your body, exercising and being active can cause muscle aches and pains. Sometimes this makes you consider putting off signing up for your next workout class. However, have you ever experienced a Purify Infrared Body Wrap? After your next workout try settling into a warm and relaxing far infrared session.

It is an effective way to battle stiff or sore muscles and pain. The heat therapy warms up your core which then allows for blood to circulate and bathe in the affected areas. It also assists in the healing of any damaged tissues. As the blood flow increases the soreness decreases and the tissues and stiffness feel relief. Basically, the infrared penetrates about two inches deep and the gentle heat repairs the damaged tissues and tight muscles.

This will elevate your training because it is fast and effective muscle recovery and it will also enhance your muscle flexibility. Infrared also boosts B-endorphin levels. This helps decrease pain, improves your mood and reduces symptoms resulting from an overstressed body. Another reason to try Purify after a workout session is due to the infrared heat. It decreases the lactic acid build up in your muscles. If you do not know... lactic acid is what causes your muscles to feel sore and ache after exercising. The far infrared waves dive into your muscles and increase blood circulation to your cells. This increased flow transports fresh nutrients and oxygen to your depleted muscle cells. It also flushes out toxins and waste products that have formed which includes lactic acid. If you need to recover fast, try Purify An Urban Sweat Lodge. After all, it is quite challenging to be active if you are in pain. Say goodbye to muscle soreness and hello to infrared!


Samantha Albano

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