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How to refresh your hair after getting sweaty

If you are a member of the sweat life, then you have definitely found yourself from time to time or if you are like me every. single. week. pondering when "is a good time to wash my hair?" You end up with a lengthy ping pong kind of convo in your head. That usually sounds like if I wait until tomorrow and wash my hair after my workout or add in a Purify session, then I can after that, but then I committed to a hot yoga class on Thursday... so should I wait until then maybe body shower, dry shampoo and then really wash it Thursday. When your hair wash schedule is out of alignment with life events/sweat life events, finding a schedule/routine that works well can be tricky.

I like to workout out, sweat it out at Purify, and on top of that, I live in Florida, where the humidity and crazy temps end up making my hair look like Monica's when she gets to Jamaica. (Friends reference)

I try to wait to wash my hair because our hair/scalp should use its natural oils and washing it often strips the natural oils and dries out the hair. Generally speaking, if you have dry hair, you should shampoo a maximum of two times a week, while oily hair types may require washing daily. If you don't cleanse your scalp frequently, excess oils, dirt, pollution, and dead skin cells tend to build up, and an accumulation of this can cause itching, irritation, and visible flakes. Opt for shampoos that can replenish your hair versus strip its nutrients, and be sure to condition thoroughly with each wash to help prevent styling-related damage.

On the other hand, you may want to shampoo more than twice a week because sweat can build up in the hair, producing salt that clogs up the hair, pores, and scalp. Sweat can also spread sebum and makes your hair look and feel dirty. It can also cause your hair to smell less than fresh. The term hair washing should be changed to scalp cleansing- shampoo is used to clean your scalp, which is a living tissue.

If you want to go longer between washes or don't have time because, as we said, sweat life!! The most apparent option is dry shampoo. Pro tip: to avoid inflammation, make sure your dry shampoos don't have bisabolol and zinc ingredients. That being said, dry shampoo is not a replacement for actual shampoo. It also depends on how sweaty the top of your head gets during your hot yoga, HIIT workout, Purify or gym sesh; you will have to evaluate and see yourself!

Quick tips to refreshing your hair after a sweaty workout!

Personally, if it's convenient, I like to blow dry my hair after I workout to get all of the sweat off of my scalp and brush it off towards the roots. Doing this helps push off washing it to get to the next part of my day. I spoke with an expert and one of my biffs, Alyssa Salerno. She is the owner and one of the hairstylists of Mahalla Wild Salon and Style Lounge.

"After a good sweat sesh I love to use this product to help get rid of the sweat if I’m in a hurry out the door.

When I get home from a workout, I put my hair in a bun, hop in the shower, rinse my body and face, and then get out to finish my hair! I spray Bumble and bumbles post-workout dry shampoo that is specifically made for sweat! When I first used this product, I was amazed at what it did because other dry shampoos only target oil, and that just wasn’t doing it for me. I spray it all around my neck hairline where I sweat the most and hit it with the blow dryer for a second, and just like that, I have clean hair without having to blow it out when I am in a hurry! Life-changing, quick, and easy!!! Perfect for all of the active babes in a hurry everywhere (LOL) like me." <Tap the bottle to shop directly from Mahalla.>

I would say that I guess it all depends on how sweaty your scalp gets with each individual sweaty activity. Hope this helps! Love livin' the sweat life dry shampoo and all!



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