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  • Writer's picturePurify An Urban Sweat Lodge

Say goodbye to 2019 and toxins!

Happy New Year! Let's start this new decade out with scheduled self-care. It can be five minutes or five hours a day. It is just essential that you make time for yourself. Do you realize that we are entering the 20's! Just like the roaring '20s! Remember, the period was full of flappers, speakeasies, prohibitions, and maybe a few parties like Gatsby! If history repeats itself, then we must detox to retox and retox to detox to prepare!

Every new year we hear "New Year New Me," and we ask ourselves what our new year's resolutions are? We usually say the same things like lose weight, get healthy, make more time for ones and me you love, travel, etc. Before we know it, we are right back to December 31st, wondering where the time went.

Health and wellness is the number one topic in January! It is a fresh start. We are coming down from all of the holiday parties and social gatherings. It is a great time to revamp your healthy lifestyle!

Try new things, new ways of working out, new eating habits!

-Increase your water intake

-Schedule a massage

-Join a gym

-Eat more veggies

-Maybe try meatless Mondays

or dry January. (no alcohol for the whole month)

-Dump sugar

-Find a workout that you enjoy

-Try Purify An Urban Sweat Lodge

We overload our systems throughout the holidays with our intake of more treats and sweets, drinks, and heavy meals! We get stressed out and sleep-deprived.

Our bodies naturally detox thanks to our organs. Our gut is the first defender when it comes to eliminating toxins that you ingest. Next is the liver, kidneys, lungs, and skin! If you have been feeling bloated, stuck, sluggish, breaking out, achy, headaches, stomaches, inflamed, then your body is asking you for a little extra help with the detoxification process. Try a 50 minute Purify session we offer Far Infrared body wraps that aid in detoxing, weight loss, ease joint pain, increase blood flow, and more! The sweat produced in infrared body wrap can contain 15 to 20% of toxins. Purge the body from heavy metals, lead, nicotine, alcohol, sulfuric acid, fats, mercury, aluminum, to name a few. Eating right, drinking plenty of water, working out, and Purifying will be the best game plan for a healthy start in the new year! Happy 2020! Make it a great one full of self-care, love, and wellness!

Say goodbye to 2019 and toxins!


Samantha Albano


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