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  • Writer's picturePurify An Urban Sweat Lodge

Scalp-Care at Troo Hair Studio

Have you ever given much thought to your scalp health? If your goal is healthy hair, then protecting your scalp is crucial. Our skin is a significant part of the body's defenses—the scalp ages not in wrinkles but in the inability to maintain healthy follicles. Over time the cell regeneration on the scalp diminishes. It becomes thinner and loses its ability to retain moisture. It also is more challenging for it to distribute nutrients and detoxify the follicle. Hair follicles also diminish in number as we age. Both men and women experience hair loss, and both are caused by the build-up of dihydrotestosterone or DHT within the follicle that is toxic to the follicle. As the follicles begin to die off, they produce thinner and fewer hairs. As we age, we also lose the ability to manufacture melanin within the follicle. This causes the hair to lose its pigmentation and turn gray. We also have to consider UV protection. Dandruff and other debris such as sebum (scalp oils), product residues, dirt, and sweat build up over time on the scalp. This causes inflammation and irritation, and it also blocks the hair follicles from growing. It is essential to use products that can be easily removed by shampoo. A clean scalp helps promote good cell turnover and promotes a healthy environment for optimal hair growth. It is vital to exfoliate the scalp because it removes dead skin cells that surround the hair follicle. Hair can appear more youthful and fuller after the scalp is stimulated by exfoliation.

I prefer this brush to scrub my scalp in the shower while I'm shampooing. It is excellent for a little massaging action. This scalp brush promotes blood circulation, deep cleaning, strengthens your hair's roots, and alleviates hair loss.

I went to Troo Organic Hair & Wellness Studio, located in Lakewood Ranch, Florida. They are a fragrance-free space dedicated to catering to those seeking a health-conscious environment and those who may be immune-compromised, chemically sensitive, and or toxin allergenic. They ask their guests not to wear any fragrant perfume, cologne, deodorant, hair products, etc. All of Troo's products are free of synthetic and toxic fragrances. Troo offers color, styling, haircuts, hair and scalp treatments.

I chose the Purifying scalp treatment. The benefits include:

-Purifying and regulating the scalp that is oily or dealing with dry dandruff

-Purifies scalp and hair with antibacterial and antiseptic action

-Counters oils and dandruff, preventing its reappearance

I had the pleasure of meeting Sarah, one of the stylists at Troo, who took great care of me and my scalp the whole time! I highly recommend her! She sat me down in her chair. She examined my scalp and decided that the Purifying Scalp Treatment was just the cure. Sidenote: I always have dealt with a dry scalp. a.k.a. sensitivities

She then placed all the ingredients together and created a paste. Sarah then proceeded to paint my scalp. This part feels so lovely because the paste has a cooling sensation and smells good, almost earthy and minty. Once my scalp was covered entirely, she gave me a five-minute scalp massage. I closed my eyes and fell into deep relaxation. She then set the timer for ten minutes. This part is cool because your scalp tingles. It feels like something is on there, really scrubbing and cleaning up all of the clogged follicles. Once the timer was complete, we went over to the bowl to rinse away the dead skin cells, dandruff, dirt, sweat, and whatever else our scalps so kindly hold onto for us. They also have a Purifying shampoo and conditioner that they used on me.

I also chose the add on called Oway Hydro-dhara. This means a constant flow of water. This treatment uses distillates from rosemary, rose, lemon, lavender, and araza to create an aromatherapeutic space for rejuvenation. These essential oil distillates are collected and transformed into Flowerfall.

As Sarah made the next concoction, she had me choose one out of the three essential oils to add to the beautiful dripping mechanism. (I chose the relaxing one) You lay back into the sink, and it ever so gently drizzles this flower water onto your hairline and hair. It completely relieves yourself from any tension and stimulates the pituitary gland- our center of health and well-being. This magic water is full of anti-aging and chakra balancing benefits.

Once the last drop graced my forehead, she rung my hair out and then brought me back to her chair to blow dry and inspect my cleaner and healthier scalp. I was, no pun intended, blown away by my results. My hair appeared shiner, and my scalp looked as if it was scrubbed and vacuumed. My hair had more movement and appeared fuller. It was squeaky clean, and on top of that, I was very relaxed. It was such a treat! It Trooly is a holistic wellness experience. I left feeling refreshed and excited for my next scalp treatment!



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