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Using Infrared for Digestion Issues

Updated: Nov 5, 2019

You may be wondering how infrared can relieve your large intestine, esophagus, stomach, colon, inflammation and chronic heartburn. Some of the most common digestive issues are GERD, IBS, chronic heartburn as well as IBD. Digestive disorders can be uncomfortable, painful and embarrassing. They most likely at some point have hindered your enjoyment from certain activities as well as limited specific foods from your diet. Don’t worry, regular infrared use has bestowed hope upon you!

Let’s get into what some of the digestion-related issues are. The first one is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) otherwise known as “acid reflux disorder,” it usually says hello after a meal and then may overstay its welcome as the evening progresses. The most common symptoms are burning, pain, and an acidic sensation in your chest. The condition is chronic and usually appears several times a week. Many often experience acid reflux from time to time (after eating high-fat/acidic foods). Some doctors have recommended using infrared saunas to combat the top cause of GERD. Which are poor digestion and imbalances in the digestive system. Time spent in a Purify An Urban Sweat Lodge session with the infrared will encourage a boost in blood circulation as well as waste elimination. Therefore, all of the digestive fluids in the esophagus will be able to work quicker and more effectively.

The next one is IBS also known as irritable bowel syndrome. This causes abdominal cramping, gas-related bloating, discomfort and of course a reduced tolerance to certain foods that may contain ingredients like gluten, dairy, and sugar. Infrared can be a great help to those individuals dealing with IBS.

Inflammatory bowel disease is another digestive issue and it is constant inflammation that affects the large intestine/colon. Some of the symptoms of IBD are weight loss, diarrhea, abdominal pain. People usually feel run down after the day. Purify's special infrared light penetrates two layers deep and helps to remove dead cells, rebuild cells, improve circulation and digestion. Regular detox sessions help improve inflammatory bowel disease.

The last digestive issue is chronic heartburn. Did you know that heartburn actually has nothing to do with the heart? It is caused by stomach acids that move up into the esophagus and are quite powerful. The lining of the stomach is equipped to handle these specials acids; however, the esophagus is not. Chronic heartburn is a constant burning and acidic feeling in the chest. By using infrared, your digestive tract will digest foods better which will help to neutralize the acidity ultimately reducing the inflammation causing the heartburn.

By using infrared a few times a week, inflammation and irritation along the digestive tract are reduced and better managed. Many have found that when irritation does pop up, infrared activity eases their symptoms more quickly as the infrared heat boosts the immune system. By promoting healthy immune function, our bodily systems will be more equipped to be able to rid itself of bacteria, toxins, and irritants that can cause flare-ups in the digestive system.

In addition, infrared sessions can be used alongside many of the medications prescribed to individuals who have been suffering from heartburn and chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. Those that are dependent on antacids to treat these digestive conditions might want to consider trying Purify on a regular basis. Detoxing assists in ridding the system of heavy metals found in many of the over-the-counter products as they contain aluminum hydroxide.

There are many beautifying, healing and helpful benefits to a 50-minute session at Purify An Urban Sweat Lodge. Try it for yourself!


Samantha Albano

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