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  • Writer's picturePurify An Urban Sweat Lodge

Ways to practice self-care *spiritually*

What is spiritual self-care? While physical self-care is directed at taking care of the body and mental self-care is directed at taking care of the mind, spiritual self-care is focused on the soul!

Think of it as taking care of our inner self and on a deeper level. Once you start to turn inwards, you will begin to develop your intuition. You will find an inner knowing that knows precisely what your soul needs to be happy and healthy.

Spend time alone

- Meditate- duh, Sam. However, meditation genuinely is the #1 practice for taking care of the soul. Meditation allows us to tune out the noise of every day, slow down the cognitive mind, and enable access to our intuitive self. This allows for us to truly see what our souls are craving, wanting, needing at the moment.

- Journal your thoughts- when you journal, you are allowing your soul self to express itself in a way that it may be unable to through communicating vocally.

- Go for a long run

- Sweat it out at Purify with far-infrared heat (detox)

- Yoga

- Read a few pages of a book you enjoy

- Do a breathing exercise

- Rest and relax

- Spend time in nature- have you ever spent time in nature and realized how at peace you feel? That's because nature is a high vibrational environment that quite literally nourishes our soul and recharges it.

- Clear your space- use smudging sticks or crystals, tidy up and clutter, organize, and your soul will feel much more at ease.

- Unplug from technology- by checking your phone as soon as you wake up or go to bed, you aren't giving your soul space to breathe and be. Don't forget to provide yourself with a social media detox every once in a while too!

Be more present

- Slow down

- Appreciate the little things

- Listen to your body

- Feel your feelings

- Take time off your phone

- Reflect on your day

Protect your energy

- Distance yourself from people who don't uplift you

- Center and ground yourself every morning

- Do what feels authentic to you

- Place healthy boundaries with others

- Become emotionally self-reliant

Tap into your intuition

- Trust your first instincts

- Develop discernment

- Listen to the sensations of your body

- Pay attention to signs or "coincidences."

- Practice stillness

Turn off to tune in!



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