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  • Writer's picturePurify An Urban Sweat Lodge

Why Purify it out?

Updated: Nov 5, 2019

Naturally occurring, infrared is the safest and most effective heat therapy. We cannot see the infrared band in the light spectrum, but we can feel it as heat! We experience infrared all the time. For example, when we step outside and feel the warm sun on our skin, that is a result of its naturally occurring infrared waves.

Clinically-Proven Benefits:

-Pain Relief


-Cellulite Reduction

-Weight Loss


-Skin Care

-Fitness Recovery



Studies have shown that the sweat produced during a Far Infrared session can contain as much as 20% fats and toxins. This is in comparison to a 3-5% loss during a workout or traditional sauna! A full session at Purify An Urban Sweat Lodge is a great way to purge your body of toxins it absorbs each day. The process of sweating can help the body release pollutants; however, infrared sweat is different. It will contain toxins that are a bit more difficult to release, such as nicotine, sulfuric acid, ammonia, alcohol, and heavy metals. When we experience an overload of toxins that are built up in our systems, we tend to feel and see the effects. (if you pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you) We feel recurrent sickness, pains, aches, signs of allergies, mood swings, and more.

Skin Rejuvenation

Getting rid of the hard-to-remove heavy metals and organic acids from stress overloads in sweat can help rebalance both digestion and metabolism that can adversely impact skin beauty.

The Far Infrared heat that penetrates layers deep while in the Purify wrap can be helpful with a plethora of aging factors such as uneven skin pigmentation, cellulite, wrinkles, and the loss of skin elasticity. Studies have shown that the Far Infrared stimulates the production of cell tissue and rapidly promotes the regeneration of skin and blood tissue.


Countless Purifiers have reported that Purify sessions lead to profound relaxation. The American Institute of Stress estimates that 75 to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related problems. Therefore, taking some time for a little #selfcare is necessary for promoting your overall health and wellness. Stress can be harmful to our bodies. We must implement some form of relaxation throughout our day.

Calorie Burn

One of the most popular benefits of Infrared Therapy is weight loss. There has been extensive clinical research that has documented a wide range of benefits supporting weight loss using immersive Far Infrared therapy as delivered by a body wrap system. Sweating consumes calories, and a body wrap session can induce 3-5 times more sweat than exercise alone. Infrared can rebalance metabolism directly by speeding up the rate of calories that are burned even after a session. As organic acids purge, your fasting insulin levels may drop toward normal; this can assist with stopping your body from being pushed to store carbs as fat. Fat becomes water-soluble at a body temperature of approximately 100.5F degrees and can “melt” by breaking up into smaller particles, which will then purge from the body through infrared induced sweating. Infrared can help the appearance of cellulite do to its ability to help rebuild collagen connective tissue. Stronger collagen can help rearrange the fat deposits away from each other, and the skin’s surface. It also helps prevent further accumulation of cellulite.

Pain Relief

The bodywrap’s Infrared heat can result in immediate therapeutic benefits through increased blood flow as well as tissue oxygenation. Clinical research has established that an infrared treatment such as a bodywrap session can increase blood flow from 5-7 quarts/minute to as much as 13 quarts/minute. During a session, there can be a substantial amount of nutrient and oxygen-rich blood flowing, which can help heal the body and relieve pain. Infrared is also known to act directly on irritated nerve endings. A 2008 study found that chronic pain patients experienced a nearly 70% reduction in pain levels after the first Infrared therapy session.

Book a session at Purify An Urban Sweat Lodge today! Wrap yourself up in all the healing and beautifying benefits that Far Infrared has to offer!


Samantha Albano


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