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  • Writer's picturePurify An Urban Sweat Lodge

Why You Should Never Make Your Bed

It may be better for one's mental health to make one's bed every day, but according to reports, this can be bad for your health thanks to scientific evidence. If you are scared of creepy crawlers, then I would suggest stop reading now. Mainly because of some unwanted sleepover buddies called Dermatophagoids pteronyssinus a.k.a. Dust Mites. These nasty little buggers like to feed off our dead skin, YUM!

In the average bed, roughly 1.5 million microscopic mites crawl around, mingling, and leaving behind mite droppings. Their droppings can lead to asthma and allergies. The bugs are happiest when they are in warm and moist environments. So, making your bed in the morning might have pleased your parents, s.o., or mind, but it also satisfies the dust mites! Tightly tucking in your sheets will help protect them from the sun and air, so they can continue to live their grotesque cycles moving from the north end of the bed to vacation in the south end of your bed, especially if you have a California King. Yikes!

However, if the bed is left unmade, the mites, dead skin, and sweat will be exposed to fresh air and light. So if you must make your bed, it is best to wait until the evening when the mites have gotten dehydrated and die off. If that is too late in the day for you, then wait until after breakfast. You should wash your sheets every one to two weeks and don't forget about the pillowcases. If afterwhile, you get tired (yes, pun intended) of sleeping on the little mites corpses, then you can sprinkle some baking soda on the bed and vacuum them up even some live ones that were unbothered by the baking soda. Try to leave your bed unmade and dream of sheep instead of dust mites!


Samantha Albano

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